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Writer's pictureRyan Tracy

Canada's Year in Review (Jan - June 1/2): Highlights in Data and Trends For 2022

It's always fun, or at least I think so, to look back and see how accurate we are on our predictions. In January, we asked Canadian club managers when they predict a return to normal would happen. A return to normal being no restrictions at all, and here was the result (we also asked in 2021, hence the additional column).

Working from home isn't much of an option in our industry but clubs have adapted and continue to offer it to some extent. This is from March 2022...

In a way, mandatory masking and vaccine passports feel more than months ago, however early in 2022 club managers were taking inventory of their staff's vaccine status and contemplating layoffs or termination. Some were still taking this into account for fall hires as well (March 2022)...

Wait-lists stayed strong in 2022. While there may have been a few more clubs added to the 'we have a wait-list' this year, we continue to hover around that 70% mark. For context we were at about 20-25% starting the summer of 2020 (March 2022)...

Capital spending has increased since the start of the pandemic. Growth has been one reason, another was likely the CEWS payments received over the pandemic (May 2022)...

Sticking with capital, there were many inquiries this year asking which membership categories get charged capital dues (May 2022)...

Staffing, specifically on the F&B side was a struggle for 2022 and it brought gratuities into the limelight. Many clubs have shifted gears and started an auto-grat if they didn't have one and many have increased that amount. Perhaps this will be a good question again in January 2023 to see if these projections ring true (April 2022)...

We know current GM tenure is just over 4 years but what about Executive Chef's? We thought it would be interesting to ask after hearing how many were in search of a new Chef for 2022 (May 2022)...

I have heard of a lot of GM's taking more time off in their busiest season. It's certainly happening more and more in different industries so we posed the question in the spring and here's what you said...

While many GM's think the GM/COO role should have an official seat on the club's Nominating Committee, and I believe this is on the rise, here was the data discovered in the early summer of 2022...

Are clubs taking action on DE&I, or at least bringing it to the table for discussion? There have been many talks given at conferences over the last couple of years, here's where we're at (June 2022)...

Inflation has been a big factor in budgeting for 2023 but was there any reaction to it in 2022? Some were curious about menu adjustments to combat the rise in food cost, here's what we found (June 2022)...

I wanted to get a baseline on mid-management turnover and thought it would be interesting to know how many had to deal with the worst part of the job in 2021, terminating an employee, so we asked about the previous year this spring and found this (June 2022)...

To round out this first half recap, here's a look at how many boards evaluate themselves and the frequency. We're big fans of consistent feedback, sending brief surveys to capture accurate data and avoid recency bias. Getting the board to evaluate themselves after ever meeting is a great practice, and we have a template to help with that!

Watch for part 2 of our recap in the coming days. Until then, Happy New Year folks!!

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